Top 4 Reasons to Choose Dental Implants
Occlusal, or bite, adjustment is a procedure performed to remove tiny interferences that keep teeth from coming together properly. These interferences can prevent the jaw from closing in its anatomically correct position. Interferences can develop as teeth develop, can occur following an accident, or they can accumulate over time with wear. Dental work such as fillings, crowns, bridges, and extractions can also cause interferences.
Interferences can prevent the jaw from fully sliding into its anatomically correct position. This means that the muscles of the jaw and neck are never able to fully relax. This may result in severe headaches and neck aches. Many develop bruxism, or teeth grinding, as their jaw seeks its natural position. Bruxism can cause bone loss, tooth loss, and receding gums. Overtime, patients may develop temporomandibular joint issues, or TMJ, if they go untreated.
During your examination, Dr. Azzam will examine your jaw closely and may notice symptoms that your bite may be off. Some symptoms include if the jaw does not open evenly on both sides, if the jaw makes a clicking noise as it opens, if the enamel has been ground away in certain areas, or if there are fractured teeth. Chronic symptoms of bruxism, headaches or neck aches, are also clues that the bite may be off.
Before the procedure begins, Dr. Azzam will have you bite on a very thin piece of mylar paper. The mylar paper transfers color to the areas where contact occurs. Dr. Azzam will then smooth the area where the marks have been left removing just enough of the tooth or restoration to eliminate the interference. This process will be done on all areas where the mylar paper left color on the tooth until the jaw is able to get into its normal position.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Azzam, prosthodontist and planner of all implant procedures today to schedule a consultation!
Cosmetic & Implant Dental Center of Cincinnati specializes in the placement and restoration of dental implants. We have two convenient locations, accessible from Northern Kentucky, Eastern Indiana and all of Ohio. The office has many firsts such as: high speed drills, Panoramic x-ray machine and recently added an I-Cat cone beam in office cat scan.
Our office is the first to offer complete implant dentistry and our own full-service dental laboratory with experienced technicians. The laboratory uses the latest technology such as a newly developed scanner so we can do all ceramic no metal restorations. The technicians work in office so you can get the smile that you've always wanted.
Call our Barry Lane office at (513) 370-2400 or our East Gate office at (513) 277-0640 to schedule your appointment. Or click here to request an appointment online!
Why Choose Us?
FREE Implant Consultation We believe it's important for our patients to understand their treatment options. We offer a no-fee dental implant consultation so we can fully answer your questions and you can learn more about your treatment options!
One Team. One Place. One Price! Don't spend your time driving from specialist to specialist! Visit the Cosmetic & Implant Dental Center of Cincinnati and we will take care of all your needs in our office - no driving around required!